What Happens When Estate Plan is Left Unattended

     Letting chance dictate your future is really no future at all. This is especially true when it comes to estate planning. If you don’t plan, it will plan for you.

     There are many examples that we as a law firm have seen from those who do not leave behind a proper estate plan after they pass. They can cause many issues in the family such as:

  1. Accounts and real estate went through probate instead of making out a trust
  2. Trustees have died causing issues with inheritance
  3. Unnecessary taxes amounting in the million
  4. Children wrongfully inheriting equal when that was not the intention
  5. IRAs and life insurance were left to the wrong people
  6. Beneficiaries who were disabled were allowed to directly inherit rather than receive assets in a protected trust
  7. Lack of instructions were left to trustees whose job it is to hand out money. 

     Estate planning is not something that should be left to chance. There are laws that dictate how an estate is handled after the owner passes away. This can only be countered by the right estate plan. Contact your local elder law attorney to make the right plan for you and your family.

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Jamison Bonds, VA Accredited Attorney

One of the many benefits of being an elder law attorney is getting to work with selfless clients who act not out of their own self interest, but out of a deep concern for the people they love.  That’s why I love helping families enjoy peace of mind and protect their hard-earned assets.

Experience The Peace of Mind You & Your Loved-One Deserves

Over the course of nearly a decade, we’ve helped more than 1,200 of your neighbors with their estate planning and elder law needs.  Now we can help you achieve the best possible outcomes for your family.

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