How to Prepare a Letter of Last Instruction for End-of-Life Wishes

      A letter of last instruction is an estate planning document that communicates what one wants to happen to themselves and their property after they die. This letter is not legally enforceable, but it is an effective way to clarify what you want things to happen once you pass away. 

     This informal document is not exactly a replacement but a supplement of an estate plan. Most of the official paperwork goes through a lawyer such as the wills and trusts. This letter is usually through the one with the estate plan who writes to inform the family of important personal, financial, or funeral information. 

Items to include in letter of last instruction are:

  • List of personal contacts- this should include the names and contact information for anyone who should be notified in the event of death.
  • List of business and financial contacts- These contacts should include information for attorneys, insurance agents, accountants, personal advisors, as well as the locations of bank accounts. 
  • Locations of forms and documents- Make sure to include any important documents that should be transferred or that may be needed after one dies. 
  • Usernames and passwords- Many people have online accounts for banking, email, social media, shopping, and subscriptions. Include usernames and passwords to your family to make sure they can access this when you pass away. 
  • Information on outstanding debts- Include any debt you owe to creditors or any debt owed to you. Include contact information and the terms of agreement. 
  • Instructions for pets- Provide instructions on who you want to care for your pets, and any special attention that they require.
  • Memorial service and funeral plans- This includes anything you want done with your funeral such as the place, music, pictures, and anything else you would like there. Make sure to let your family know if it’s been prepaid, or what you want in your obituary. List anyone that you would like to read a eulogy, and list any charities you would like for someone to donate to instead of sending flowers. 

Writing a letter of last instruction

     Trustworthy family members should be made aware that this letter exists, and where they can find it. A lawyer is not needed to write this letter of instruction to make changes to it if your wishes or circumstances change. Make sure this document does not contradict anything set forth in your will to minimize any issues.  

    This letter will need to be signed and dated. Update the document annually even if its just to include a new date. Store it in a safe place.

     This letter will provide peace of mind to your loved ones and help to prevent any issues after your death. This letter will make sure that your final wishes are honored. Compiling all this information in one document makes it easier and less stressful for your representative. The best way to protect your future is by consulting your local elder law attorney. They will make sure that you get the best plan for your future.

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Jamison Bonds, VA Accredited Attorney

One of the many benefits of being an elder law attorney is getting to work with selfless clients who act not out of their own self interest, but out of a deep concern for the people they love.  That’s why I love helping families enjoy peace of mind and protect their hard-earned assets.

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