Managing Our Elderly Parents Medication

     If you have an elderly parent who takes a lot of medications, then they are not alone. 87% of seniors take one prescription drug while 36% take five or more. 38% of seniors use over-the-counter medications. Their medicine can often be crucial to their health. It can help your seniors to make a system for them to properly take their medication. Here are some tips you can use to help your seniors manage their medication.

Gather all medications, vitamins, OC meds, and supplements in one location

     If medication, suplements, OTC meds and vitamins are stored in different locations it can be easy to lose track of them. This especially helps with OTC meds as they can cause negative effects if taken wit prescription meds. When everything is in one place, you can see what is being taken. Keep on top of all expired medications as well. 

Make sure medication is stored properly.

     Medication should generally be kept in a cool and dry place. This excludes the bathroom cabinet as heat and moisture can affect the drugs. They should also be kept away from children and pets. For medication that requires specific storage like refrigeration, follow the pharmacists instructions. 

Create and maintain an up-to-date medication list

     In order to prevent negative drug interactions, you should kno what kind of drugs your loved one is taking. Keep a list of all they medications they take. 

Pre-sort medications for the week

     The best type of pill organizer is the one with enough compartments for every dose they will need throughout the day. If pills need to be split, make sure to do this ahead of time. 

Plan ahead for refills

    Make sure to get refills ahead of time so your parents won’t miss out on doses. You can ask the doctor to prescribe a 90 day supply through a mail order pharmacy. Another option is to have automatic refills arranged form your local pharmacy. Some pharmacies may even have free prescription delivery services. Online pharmacies provide medication through online services. These pharmacies can give out good discounts. Make sure that they provide the right medications before switching over. Mark refill dates on the calendar so you don’t forget to pick up their prescriptions.

    If your parents need help planning for their end-of-life expenses make sure to contact your local elder law attorney for a consultation. 

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Jamison Bonds, VA Accredited Attorney

One of the many benefits of being an elder law attorney is getting to work with selfless clients who act not out of their own self interest, but out of a deep concern for the people they love.  That’s why I love helping families enjoy peace of mind and protect their hard-earned assets.

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Over the course of nearly a decade, we’ve helped more than 1,200 of your neighbors with their estate planning and elder law needs.  Now we can help you achieve the best possible outcomes for your family.

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